

Application for Hellenion Membership
Please fill in the required information, print the completed form, sign, and mail it to Hellenion’s Grammateus at this address:

Hellenion c/o M. Smith (Grammateus)
1764 US Route 9
Halfmoon, NY 12065 USA

Or your completed application may be emailed to the Grammateus:

Legal Name:

Email Address:

Pagan Aliases (optional):

Residential Address:

Mailing Address (if different than Residence):

Date of Birth:



State / Province:

State / Province:

Zip code / Postal

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An additional donation of
has been enclosed.


* Dues are set at $10 per year. US Funds only.

All personal information will be kept confidential, and will be released only as compelled by the civil law or by written permission.

Please read the Mission Statement below, as well as the enclosed bylaws. By signing below, you confirm that you are at least 18 years of age and that you intend to uphold the principles and abide by the policies set forth in the Mission Statement and the bylaws.

I, ___________________________________ confirm that I am at least 18 years of age, I intend to uphold the principles outlined in Hellenion’s Mission Statement and I agree to abide by the policies set forth in Hellenion’s bylaws.



Hellenion Mission Statement

What We Mean by Hellenic Pagan Reconstructionism:

While the members of Hellenion are of course free to pursue whatever personal religions their hearts and souls commend them to, part of our mission is to provide fellowship and information for people wishing to honor the ancient gods of Hellas with the future intent of reconstructing public rites of the ancient pagan Greek religion.

As such, our concept of Pagan Reconstructionism entails:

  • Reverence for the pre-Christian Greek deities and Mysteries.
  • A connection with the ancestors, honoring Hestia as the goddess of hearth and home. Within a modern context, this means a concern for family, in its broadest sense, whether by related by blood, spirit, or kinship ties.
  • A connection with the Hellenic past. We strive to be as historically (and mythologically) accurate as the state of the evidence allows. When gaps in the evidence, or the realities of modern life, make it necessary to create something new it should be:
  • As consistent as possible with what we do know about the ancient Hellas and its colonies throughout the Mediterranean up until the point of the end of the Delphic Oracle in history.
  • Clearly presented as a recent innovation. We frown on attempts to advertise something modern and invented as ancient and historical in order to give it an authority (and marketability!) it does not deserve.
  • A balanced approach to understanding classical Greek religion which relies on both sound scholarship and poetic inspiration without mistaking one for the other.
  • Inclusiveness. While we recognize the importance of an ethnic component in traditional Greek religion, we seek to reconstruct the religious culture of the ancients, not their society. Therefore, we do not rely on genealogy or geography to determine who is a Hellenic Pagan. Just as the Eleusinian Mysteries were open to those who could understand the Greek language, our group is open to all who worship in the ancient Greek tradition today.
  • Respect for all people regardless of gender, ethnicity, color, creed, social status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or dis/ability.
  • A moral code inspired by the Delphic maxims which emphasizes the following: know thyself, nothing in excess, and respect for oneself, others, and the gods.

What We Are Not About

As we are concerned with historical accuracy, the public rites of the Greek / Hellenic religion do not include:

  • Any of the interpretations of Hermetic philosophy and magic that emerged during the European Renaissance (not the traditions themselves, but their Renaissance interpretations) and/or its modern religions movements that have since been inspired, such as Wicca, neo-shamanism, and the like.
  • Eclecticism (as opposed to historical syncreticism; combining ancient Greek religion with other cultural traditions that weren’t combined historically.
  • Foreign cults related to the ancient Greeks and their colonies are appropriate, such as such as the Phrygian Great Mother Kybele, and her consort, Attis. As always, we emphasize that people’s personal practices can be as they choose, by their heart and their soul, but what we choose to focus on as a group is strictly on the Hellenic religion.

Copyright © Hellenion, Inc.