Hellenion’s Sept festival calendar

Hellenion’s Sept 2019 Festival calendar,
from https://www.hellenion.org/calendar/

Boedromion – Pyanepsion

Year 3 of the 699th Olympiad

1 Noumenia
2 Agathos Daimon; Niketeria; Labor Day
4 Basile
5 Genesios
6 Artemis Agrotera
12 Demokratia
14 Libation to Demeter & Persephone; Full moon
15 Hellenion membership renewals due; Eleusinia ta megala
16 Eleusinia ta megala
17 Eleusinia ta megala; Epidauria?
18 Eleusinia ta megala
19 Eleusinia ta megala
20 Eleusinia ta megala
21 Eleusinia ta megala; Libation to Haidea
23 Equinox
27 Sacrifices to Nymphs, Akheloös, others
28 Dark of the moon
29 Hekate’s Deipnon
30 Noumenia