Orphic Hymn to Nyx

Orphic Hymn 2: To Nyx

Nyx, parent goddess, source of sweet repose, from whom at first both Gods and men arose,
Hear, blessed Kypris, decked with starry light, in sleep’s deep silence dwelling in ebon night!
Dreams and soft case attend your dusky train, pleased with the lengthened gloom and fearful strain.
Dissolving anxious care, the friend of Mirth, with darkling coursers riding round the earth.
Goddess of phantoms and of shadowy play, whose drowsy power divides the natural day:
By Fate’s decree you constantly send the light to deepest hell, remote from mortal sight
For dire Necessity which nothing withstands, invests the world with adamantine bands.
Be present, Goddess, to your suppliant’s prayer, desir’d by all, whom all alike revere,
Blessed, benevolent, with friendly aid dispell the fears of Twilight’s dreadful shade.