Devotional Activities for Apollon

Devotional Activities for Apollon

Write poetry, especially hymns of praise to Apollon and the other gods.
Learn to play a string instrument, especially the lyre.
Make a list of the principles you live by. What are your core values? Do you really live them?
Register to vote and take part in elections. Do not try to skip out on jury duty.
Learn and practice a form of divination.
Consider learning to “channel.” (Although the New Age idiom of most channeling literature is foreign to Greek religion, the process of opening to the inspiration of the gods is basic to Hellenism and other traditional religions.)
Make a list of the parts of your life that need purification. Burn incense and take a salt water bath. Now burn the list.

Campbell, Drew. Old Stones, New Temples: Ancient Greek Paganism Reborn. Xlibris, pp. 64-65.