Officers and Clergy

The Prutaneis (Board of Directors)

Name Office/Programs Term of Office
as Prutaneis
seat number
Ainsley Henderson-Daley   2023-2026 1
Vacant   2022-2025 2
Vacant   2021-2024 3
Rev. S. “Gitana” Watkins, M.A.   2022-2025 4
Robert Orofino (he/him)   2022-2025 5
Vacant   2021-2024 6
Hortensia Faustina   2023-2026 7
Vacant   2023-2026 8
KM Wehrstein  Epistates (President)* 2021-2024 9

* The corporate officers are appointed by the Prutaneis as a whole. The terms of office listed apply only to their positions as Prutaneis, not as corporate officers.

Grammateus (Secretary)

Rachel Karfit

Xenodokos* (Membership)

Kallisto (*one who receives strangers)

Epistates (President)

KM Wehrstein

Antepistates (Vice President)


Tamias (Treasurer)

Rob Henderson

Additional offices:

Basic Adult Education (BAE) Acting Proctor

Melissa Gold

Clergy Education Director

Melissa Gold

Demos Support




The Boule (Advisory Council) 2022-2023

* The Proedros is the chairperson of the council

Name Location Representative of
Proedros: Sarah Shydale Michigan, USA Membership At Large
Sheri Brokaw Ohio, USA Membership At Large
Vacant Membership At Large
vacant Membership At Large
vacant Membership At Large
vacant Membership At Large

Send your ideas, concerns, feedback, etc. to the Boule here.

Theoroi (Clergy)

Name Dedication Date of Ordination
Melissa Gold (she/her) Hermes, Athena November 5, 2020

Theoroi are available for consultation on matters of religious practice and to lead ritual. Information about our clergy program is here.


Committee Email
Online presence committee
Membership Engagement
Publishing Committee