Hestia Fund

What is the Hestia Fund?

I’m glad you asked that! A few years ago, Hellenion thought it would be a wonderful idea to try and provide a little financial assistance to members who might be experiencing difficulties with bills concerning their home. Staying warm, keeping the lights on, a few groceries, even a little help with the rent.
We created the Hestia fund.
Members in need can petition the Prutaneis for small grants to help with the above-mentioned items. The grants are up to $100US within a twelve-month period. Other rules may apply.
Monies for the Hestia fund come from donations directly to the fund itself, made through Paypal, or in any other payment method we accept.
If you already give to Hellenion and would like to contribute to the Hestia Fund, please make a note of that when you use PayPal or send a short note if you pay by check or money order.
For more information, please contact our Epistates.