Devotional Activities for Hermes

Devotional Activities for Hermes

Make a herm out of clay or polymer resin and place it at your door.
Make a small pile of stones at a crossroads. Add a stone when you pass by.
If you drop change on the street, leave it. If you find some, pick it up and thank Hermes for the gift.
Always deliver messages entrusted to you, especially those to and from the dying.
Sit with a dying friend or relative. Be their guide to the next world.
Forgive a petty thief, particularly one who steals in need.
Attend a magic show and enjoy the illusions.
Ask Hermes’ blessings before you travel or post a letter.

Campbell, Drew. Old Stones, New Temples: Ancient Greek Paganism Reborn. Xlibris, p. 68.