

Important Safety Note: One of the ingredients in kykeon, pennyroyal,
should not be ingested by pregnant women as it can cause miscarriage!

4 c. water
2 heaping tablespoons dried pennyroyal
2 tbsp. honey
2/3 c. barley flour
1/4 c. semolina (or instant Cream of Wheat)

Bring water to a boil. Add pennyroyal and simmer for 10 min.
Add honey and simmer for 5 more min. Strain out the herb and discard. Return liquid to heat, and whisk in barley flour a little at a time to avoid lumps. Whisk in semolina in the same way. The result will be a thin, smooth porridge. If the mixture becomes too thick to drink, whisk in some hot water.

Campbell, Drew. Old Stones, New Temples: Ancient Greek Paganism Reborn. Xlibris, pp. 304-305.