Hellenion’s August 2018 festival calendar

Hellenion’s August 2018 Festival calendar,
from https://www.hellenion.org/calendar/

Hekatombaion – Metageitnion

Year 2 of the 699th Olympiad

5 Panathenaia ta mikra
6 Panathenaia ta mikra; Civic Holiday
7 Panathenaia ta mikra
8 Panathenaia ta mikra
9 Panathenaia ta mikra
10 Panathenaia ta mikra
11 Panathenaia ta mikra; Libation to Hermes; Dark of the Moon
12 Panathenaia ta mikra; Hekate’s Deipnon
13 Noumenia;
14 Agathos Daimon; Herakleia
26 Full moon
27 Eleusinia
28 Eleusinia; Kourotrophos, Hekate and Artemis
29 Eleusinia
30 Eleusinia
31 The Heroines