Hellenion’s March 2018 festival calendar

Hellenion’s March 2018 Festival calendar,
from https://www.hellenion.org/calendar/


Year 1 of the 699th Olympiad

1 Anthesteria – Khytrai; full moon
8 Lesser Mysteries
9 Lesser Mysteries
10 Libation to Hephaistos; Lesser Mysteries
11 Lesser Mysteries; Diasia; Daylight savings time begins
12 Lesser Mysteries
13 Lesser Mysteries
14 Lesser Mysteries
17 Dark of the Moon
18 Hekate’s Deipnon
19 Noumenia
20 Agathos Daimon; Vernal equinox
24 Elaphebolia
26 Asklepia
28 Dionysia ta astika
29 Dionysia ta astika
30 Dionysia ta astika
31 Dionysia ta astika; full moon